Need Help Writing Custom Reports?
In Sage Custom Contractor (Master Builder)
Book Purchase includes 1-Hour Free “One-on-One” Training Class.
Report writing in Sage Custom Contractor (former Master Builder) can be difficult…but with some basic instruction, you will find it easier, and logical.
- In this instruction manual, I try to make it as easy and readable as possible, with lots of diagrams, and simple step by step instructions.
- Feel free to go straight to the area you need for information, as you may already know some of the basics.
- When you get to the Resources Section (and throughout the book), you will find many of the tools I created over twelve years of writing reports in Master Builder, most of which I learned by trial and error (lots of error) as there was no documentation or manual beyond beginner’s instructions.
- My goal is to provide the opportunity for you and others to enjoy report writing as much as I have over the years.
- It’s a very creative and challenging outlet: creating organized reports that are easy to read, and provide the data you need.